About this nightclub
Provocateur Nightclub’s lavish décor is glamorous by design. Two Royal BB chandeliers designed by Edward Van Villet and imported from the Netherlands hang from the ceiling. The walls are adorned by lavender staircases wrapped with state-of-the-art LED ribbons. The club also features a set of 20-ft Egyptian phoenix wings, which hang suspended high in the air above the bar. Guests’ sensual experience is enhanced by a number of magical high-energy special effects including laser light displays, year-round winter snow flurries, and climatic jet blasts of cryogenic smoke. The club features 17 large tables and oversized banquettes equipped with built-in closets, seating for 10 to 20 people.
Sugarcane is a tremendous multicultural triumph, an effortlessly cool spot that has energized Midtown Miami with a mix of Asian, European and Latin flavors. It’s like an inverted version of Nobu or Katsuya. Sugarcane is South Florida to its core, with its festive vibe, potent rum drinks, tropical trees and Gloria Estefan showing up for a late-night dinner. But it’s also a destination for good sushi and a scorching robata grill that reminds you the Japanese were way ahead of the current open-fire cooking trend. How many sushi-and-robata joints, though, have a duck and waffle dish with mustard maple syrup that’s so revelatory it led to a spin-off restaurant in London?